Feed Her, Clothe Her, Educate Her

This Lenten Season you can make a difference in a little girl's life with as tittle as $10

Feed Her, Clothe Her, Educate Her image


raised towards $15,000 goal




This Lenten Season you can make a difference in a little girl's life with as tittle as $10

Consider How Far Your Sacrificial Gift Can Go

In this season of Lent, you can truly change the lives of girls in need in Honduras. You can provide them with clothes to wear, food to eat, and games to play. Help them earn the opportunities to learn English, take classes in the city, graduate from college, and give their own children a better life. Even a $10 donation will help us transform the lives of dozens more children in the future.

This Lent - as you uphold the three pillars of the season, prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, we ask you to think of Critzenn, Kensy, Rocio, and the more than 70 girls for whom we provide protection from harm; a safe, healthy and loving home; a chance to learn; the dream of a future; and a foundation in faith.

With your support, we can transform the lives of these once-forgotten girls! Every single gift -- large or small -- is a blessing! THANK YOU!

Every girl deserves a chance to live, to dream, and to be loved.

Honduras' high poverty rate puts children at extreme risk of severe neglect, abuse, and abandonment. It also makes the country an especially attractive ground for human traffickers, putting girls at extreme risk. The country's high poverty rate gives human traffickers an enormous opportunity to exploit people's needs for money. Children -- especially girls -- are a prime target.

For just $2 a day you can save a girl's life -- that's less than the cost of a cup of coffee a day.

About Our Little Roses Foreign Mission Society

Our Little Roses Ministries is a non-governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to rescuing the girl child in Honduras from situations of risk, empowering and transforming them in a loving atmosphere of unity, respect and security into successful women with moral and spiritual values, strengthened through the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ.